Island View Beach
Island View Beach is a regional park in the CRD that protects a number of special features including a fragile sand dune area, home to several rare and beautiful plants, and a long sandy beach with unique geological history. Vegetation type includes grassland, estuary, coastal bluff, beach/spit and hedgerows. Trees include Black Cottonwood, Crabapple, and Willow. Dune plants include Sand Verbena and an uncommon grass (A.Ceska). The park provides habitat to a variety of marine birds, shorebirds, owls, raptors, songbirds, Common Nighthawks, Brant, and passerines. Besides being a significant habitat area the park offers many recreational opportunities to visitors including an easy loop walking trail, beach-exploring, picnic areas, and a contained RV and campground. Kayakers and kite-surfers can also often be seen enjoying the water in the summer. Recreational activities, dogs, pollution, development and invasive species are all concerns to this natural area and the habitat it provides to many species.
Photo: vikapproved
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