The Atrium
The Atrium is certified LEED Gold by the Canada Green Building Council. This high-denisity urban office building is seven-stories and 19400 square metres, an entire street block, in the heart of Victoria, BC. The Atrium Building was designed to optimize energy efficiency and environmentally conscious operations as well as occupant comfort and health. The building's 670m2 skylight provides daylight and views to interior offices, acts as a return air plenum for ventilation air, and provides a spectacular entrance hall. It also reduces the requirement for artificial lighting. A vegetated roof performs the usual water-absorbing, insulation and cooling functions, while also slowing down storm water run off, cleaning it before it's released into the municipal system. Rain gardens also edge the building, catching and cleaning polluted street run-off, and softening the cityscape. Read more about the specifics of the building's sustainable design here.
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