VENUS Strait of Georgia Central Node
The Strait of Georgia Central Node is part of the VENUS (Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea) Network. This particular instrument is the undersea energy and communications hub that connects sensors in the Strait of Georgia Deep observatory to the other nodes in the VENUS network. The VENUS Network is a cabled undersea laboratory for ocean researchers and explorers. The Strait of Georgia Central Node is located at a depth of 300m and is the deepest node in the VENUS Observatory. It connects to the Central VENUS Instrument Platform (VIP), which hosts a range of ocean sensors that measure marine life and oceanic processes along the floor of the Strait. Without the node, the sensors hosted by the VIP would be lifeless!
Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) is a not-for-profit at the University of Victoria and it governs both the VENUS and NEPTUNE ocean observatory networks off the coast of Vancouver Island. The observatories gather real-time data, signals, and images that are available online for the public, students, and researchers to explore.
Watch the video below, a Google Earth Fly-through, created by Ocean Networks Canada, that shows how Shore Stations are linked with the other the critical observatory components, like the Central Node.

Take a trip to the bottom of the ocean! The public can explore the diverse marine environments off the coast of Vancouver Island by viewing live and recorded video feeds, an endless array of vibrant photos, and direct access to real-time scientific data on the Ocean Networks Canada website. Ocean Networks Canada is dedicated to supporting ocean discovery and technological innovation and is a world-leading scientific research facility. The website, where all of the data is contained, is open to the public 24/7!
Related sites on the CRD Green Map:
- VENUS Saanich Inlet Node
- VENUS Instrument Platform (VIP), Saanich Inlet
- VENUS Camera Platform, Saanich Inlet
- VENUS Saanich Shore Station
- VENUS Forensics Experiment
- VENUS Buoy Profiling System
- VENUS Instrument Platform (VIP), Straight of Georgia Centre
Related Links
- The societal benefits of Oceans Network Canada (ONC) Observatory
- Why Venus?
- Map of VENUS Observatory
- NEPTUNE Canada - for even more great data, videos, and research in the deep sea, extending beyond the CRD
Please note that the location for the VENUS Strait of Georgia Central Node is approximate.
Photo and video credit: Ocean Networks Canada
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