Shoal Harbour Bird Sanctuary
The Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary is one of Canada's oldest designated Migratory Bird Sanctuaries (MBS). Created in 1931, the MBS encompasses 150 hectares of coastal marine environment. This area provides a shallow marine habitat with tidal mudflats rich in inviting biodiversity for migrating waterfowl, particularly for those that overwinter on the coast of British Columbia.
The nearby Resthaven Park is an excellent point of access for the MBS, providing a great view for bird watchers.
Some notable visitors in the winter months are the Green-winged teal, American wigeon, Bufflehead, and Horned grebe. Great blue herons are also seen throughout the year.
Photo: Ken Conger
- Environment Canada. (2014). Shoal Harbour bird migrator bird sanctuary. Retrieved January 13th, 2015 from:
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