Don’t you love the feeling of the wind in your hair and sun on your back! In 2012, a man by the name of Ole Kassow started a program called ‘Cycling Without Age’ in Copenhagen, Denmark. His idea was to take older adult passengers who live in nursing homes and other facilities, out on a bicycle powered by volunteer pilot drivers. The bicycle design (a trishaw), features a bench, two seats wide, in the front of the bike, for two seniors to sit. This design encourages a ride in nature, or along a city path. While the ride is underway, memories are kindled and stories arise and are shared between the riders and the pilot making for a unique and beneficial sharing experience for all involved.
This Program has now spread to 28 countries around the world. Three innovators in Victoria, BC, Carson Sage, Kristi Owens, and Marleen Butchart, have raised funds to buy a bike and create a sixth chapter, Cycling Without Age, Victoria. Their dream is to create a world in which access to active citizenship creates happiness and promotes wellbeing among older adults who have lost degrees of mobility, and other physical and mental competencies. The opportunities created by the Cycling Without Age Program allow them to remain an active and vital part of society and their local community.
Life is a continuous process of growth and change – it can be thrilling, fun, sad, and beautiful throughout our years. Cycling Without Age is about helping people grow older in a positive context, and with opportunities for ongoing adventure supported by being out in nature and seeing their community.
At this time, we are calling for volunteer pilot drivers to be part of this exciting venture. Our bicycles feature electric assist and are stable, safe and simple to ride. Training is provided. If you are interested in this opportunity or would like to support contact: cyclingwithoutagevictoria@gmail.com. Follow Cycling Without Age on facebook for updates!