ORCCA Dental Society Providing Dental Care for Children from Low Income Families

The ORCCA Society (Oral Care for Children and Adolescents) is a non-profit organization in Sidney, BC whose purpose and vision is to provide dental care to children and youth under the age of 19 from lower income families. The organization was established in 2012, and has provided over 1000 dental procedures in 2017. The ORCCA team is made up of a mighty and generous team of volunteers, an office manager and 1 part time dentist. Additionally, many dentists and orthodontists around Victoria donate their space and time to do additional procedures. For ORCCA, community support is vital, and many people and organizations have contributed to their success.

In addition to providing dental care, ORCCA offers educational seminars in schools and daycares on topics such as dental hygiene, oral care, and nutrition for children and adolescents. The ORCCA Society provides dental care for lower income families from all over the province including resettled refugees and newcomer families.

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Leigh Relkoff


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